Information Design - Final Compilation & Reflection

6.2.2024 - 26.3.2024 ( Week 1- Week 7)
Gam Jze Shin / 0353154
Information Design / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Final Compilation & Reflection


1. Lectures & Flip
Exercise 1: Quantify & Visualize Data
6.2.2023 - 11.2.2023 (Week 1)
fig 1.1 Final Quantify & Visualize Data

Exercise 2: L.A.T.C.H
14.2.2023 - 17.2.2023 (Week 2)

fig 2.1 Final L.A.T.C.H infographic poster

Project 1: Instructable Infographics Poster
19.2.2024 - 27.2.2024 (Week 3 - Week 4)

fig 3.1 Final Instructable Infographics poster

Project 2: Animated Instrucable Poster
27.2.2024 - 8.3.2024 (Week 4 - Week 5)
fig 4.1  Final animated instrucable poster

Final Project: Animated Infographics
6.2.2024 - 26.3.2024 (Week 1 - Week 7)

fig 4.1  Final animated infographic


Before this module, I primarily focused on designing or creating videos with minimal information. However, this module provided me with my first experience of incorporating a significant amount of information into visual design outcomes. I also learned to start from the earliest stage, which involves collecting and analyzing data before integrating it into the final outcome. Throughout the module, I gained insights into various design laws such as Miller's law and L.A.T.C.H, which enhanced my aesthetics and design skills. Moreover, my animation skills using Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects have significantly improved as I worked on creating animated videos independently. I believe that these skills will be highly effective and beneficial for my future endeavors.

I observed that designing an outcome containing a large amount of information while maintaining aesthetic appeal is challenging. Balancing both aspects can be difficult, and there's a tendency to prioritize one over the other. Additionally, I noticed that people are often drawn to visually appealing instructional posters in their daily lives. An attractive poster tends to capture their attention, and they tend to remember the most distinctive elements of the poster. Therefore, designers can leverage this observation to create visually engaging instructional posters that use unique approaches to convey data effectively.

Throughout this journey, I have applied my thinking and problem-solving skills extensively, as this module required me to think creatively and critically to produce effective visual outcomes. Additionally, my intrapersonal skills have seen improvement, as I have learned to manage myself and be self-reliant in completing individual tasks. Reflecting on feedback from my lecturer and peers has also contributed to my personal growth and learning. Creating a successful infographic poses its challenges, especially considering the various types of information that must align with design elements such as layout, color scheme, and font choice. Each of these components plays a crucial role in enhancing readability and ensuring viewer understanding, making them indispensable to the overall design process.
