Information Design - Final Project: Animated Infographics

6.2.2024 - 26.3.2024 ( Week 1- Week 7)
Gam Jze Shin / 0353154
Information Design / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Final Project: Animated Infographics


1. Instructions
2. Final project
3. Feedback
4. Reflection


Final Project

Research the given topic in your group and break down the information into parts - narrative and visualization to educate the viewers about the issue.

Use questions ‘What, why, where, when, who, and how’ into the building of your narrative before transferring the information onto your storyboard.

Use relevant visuals to create associations of information to the infographics. Refer to the chart here to decide how to visualize.

Expected outcomes:
  • An animated infographic informing the audience about a given topic (min 1.5 - max 3 min video)
  • Must include some form of data/statistics. 
  • Must use the questioning technique and provide answers.

In week 1, our group was formed, and my fellow group members are:
  1. Ting Wen Yi 
  2. Liew Xiao Hui
  3. Gam Jze Shin
  4. Chen Nan

fig 1.1 - 1.2 Topic given

In week 1, we began with group discussions. We settled on topic 4 as our final project theme: The journey of a plastic bottle. After the formation of our group, we deliberated on the project's direction and initiated research on plastic bottles. We compiled the data and research findings, incorporating them into Canva to organize our discoveries. 

fig 1.3 Research slide

During week 2, we initiated our video concept and storyboard planning. Our objective was to craft a meticulously detailed storyboard to precisely map out the duration and content of our video. This approach will provide us with a clear direction for our final project process.

fig 1.4 Ideation slide

fig 1.5 Assets List's Graphic

During week 3, our leader, Ting Wen Yi, generated some assets showcasing the desired style for the video. This was done to ensure clarity on the visual aesthetics of the project.

fig 1.6 - 1.8 Animation file

The group leader delegated tasks accordingly: Wen Yi was assigned the animation part, I was tasked with script writing, Xiao Hui was responsible for adding sound effects, and Chen Nan was designated for the voice-over. Upon completion of her part, Wen Yi uploaded it to Google Drive.

fig 1.9 Rolling Credits

Additionally, I assisted in creating the ending rolling credits and uploaded them to Google Drive.

Script Writing

fig 1.10 Storyboard with script

After completing the rough script, I made adjustments to it once Wen Yi finished her part. This was necessary to ensure that the script aligned perfectly with the animation scenes and remained suitable throughout.


fig 1.11 Voiceover version by Chen Nan

Chen Nan completed his voiceover part and edited it into Premiere Pro. However, we noticed that he encountered some difficulties in pronouncing certain phrases clearly. As a result, I volunteered to assist with the voiceover.

fig 1.12 - 1.13 Voiceover by phone

I utilized my phone's recorder to initially record the script. Afterwards, I uploaded it to Google Drive for other group members to access. Chen Nan expressed concern about his contribution level, so he took on the responsibility of creating captions and incorporating my voiceover into the project.

Sound effects and Refinement

fig 1.14 Sound effects added by Xiao Hui

Then, Xiao Hui incorporated the sound effects and made minor adjustments for the final version. We collectively decided to showcase the updated version to Mr. Shamsul to gather further feedback.

fig 1.15 References on rolling credits

During Thursday's class, we presented our video to Mr. Shamsul, who offered feedback recommending that we include a transition in the ending scene for a smoother look. Consequently, Wen Yi edited the animation and adjusted the wording in the bubble chat accordingly. Additionally, we ensured to include our references in APA format within the ending rolling credits.

Final Outcome

fig 1.16 Final  project outcome - The journey of a Plastic Bottle


Week 5
Specific Feedback: Mr. Shamsul recommended that we enhance our storyboard by adding a timeline to estimate the video's duration. Additionally, we were advised to include transitions such as pops out and fade in to enhance the visual flow.

Week 6
Specific Feedback: 
Since we only showed a small portion of the video to Mr. Shamsul, he suggested that for the current scene, we could animate the walking movement or incorporate a skateboard into the walking scene.

Week 7
Specific Feedback: Mr. Shamsul recommended that we enhance our storyboard by adding a timeline to estimate the video's duration. Additionally, we were advised to include transitions such as pops out and fade in to enhance the visual flow.


Final Project 
In our final project, I believe all of my group members cooperated very effectively, allowing us to work well together. Our primary objective was to create a visually appealing animated infographic. Through this experience, I've developed stronger communication skills, enabling better collaboration with team members. Additionally, our critical thinking and problem-solving abilities have improved as we navigated the challenge of condensing essential data and information into a concise three-minute video. Storyboarding proved invaluable, providing a clear roadmap for animating scenes and estimating their duration, which kept us organized and focused throughout the animation process. Moreover, I learned the importance of separating each scene into different compositions in After Effects, which helped streamline the process and prevent crashing and lagging issues. This underscores the necessity of effective project management to ensure smooth progress.
