Minor Project - G1: Basic T

22.4.2024 - 2.8.2024 ( Week 1- Week 14)
Gam Jze Shin / 0353154
Minor Project / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
G1: Basic T


1. Instructions
2. G1: Basic T
3. Feedback
4. Reflection


G1_Basic T

Project Important Link

Project Brief
In the first week, Mr. Mike held a project briefing where he introduced all the available projects, allowing us to choose one at random. He suggested that we select a project topic that interests us. 

Group Member
This is our group members and we decided to choose the first topic, which is Basic T.
  • Liew Xiao Hui
  • Ting Wen Yi, Bernice
  • Janice Tan Wan Xuen
  • Tan Jie ying
  • Sim Jian Xiong

Searching Progress
When we know on our topics, we began by researching functional T-shirts, particularly focusing on anti-slash T-shirts available in the market.

fig 1.1 Miro Board

Each of us has our own board in Miro where we can place the information we find. This allows our group members to view our research outcomes from there.

fig 1.2 Focus products

After conducting research, we decided to focus on two functional T-shirts: anti-slash and hydrophobic T-shirts.

The next step is to prepare two survey forms, one for the anti-slash T-shirt and another for the hydrophobic T-shirt to help identify our target audience.

fig 1.3 Survey Questions

I prepared the interview survey questions for anti-slash T-shirts based on the empathy map. I realized that the questions and options needed to be carefully crafted to effectively identify our target audience.

fig 1.4 - 1.5 Survey Form

Anti-Slash T-Shirts Survey Link
Hydrophobic T-Shirts

However, while we were collecting our data, the client decided to switch from the hydrophobic T-shirt to an anti-radiation T-shirt due to its higher market potential. As a result, our hydrophobic survey became unusable. This was disappointing for us, and we had to start our research over again, focusing on the anti-radiation shirt.

fig 1.6 Interview person list

To gather enough data, we also conducted interview sessions. For the anti-slash T-shirt, we interviewed three people, and for the anti-radiation T-shirt, we interviewed five. Each group member was responsible for interviewing at least one person.

fig 1.7 Recording for interview session

I recorded the interview sessions and documented all the answers provided by the interviewees. 

Empathy Map
fig 1.8 Empathy Map

After the interviews, we held a meeting to complete the empathy map. Everyone contributed to this section based on the feedback provided by the interviewees.

fig 1.9 Own note list for empathy map

I reviewed the map and wrote down my ideas before the meeting to save time. This way, we could directly discuss and refine our thoughts during the meeting instead of thinking of ideas on the spot.

fig 1.10 User Content

Next, we completed our user personas, user journey map, and customer journey map based on our target audience.

Brand Concept
In this stage, we should think on our brand concept such as brand name, tagline, mood board and logo.

fig 1.11 Brand name version 1

We chose the name "BasicDefend" because "Basic" reflects the simplicity and essential nature of the t-shirts, while "Defend" emphasizes their protective qualities, such as anti-radiation or anti-slash properties.

fig 1.12 Brand name voting

However, Mr. Mike suggested that we could come up with a stronger brand name. He advised us to consider our objectives and conduct a poll to determine a name that better conveys our purpose. Ultimately, we all agreed on "CozyProtec," where "Cozy" signifies comfort and "Protec" represents the functional aspect of the T-shirts.

fig 1.13 Logo ideation

Additionally, we faced challenges with our logo design. We wanted to incorporate a shield shape to represent protection, while also including elements of a shirt to clearly convey that we are a clothing brand focused on safety.

fig 1.14 Color Palatte

We chose this color palette to give a more professional look. Since we primarily focus on adult males, the use of dark blue, grey, and white reflects a modern and serious style.

Key Visual
Before creating all the content, we established a marketing strategy calendar to serve as our guideline.

fig 1.15 Marketing strategy calendar

Based on our marketing strategy calendar, the content included will be:
  • Social Media Ads
  • YouTube Ads
  • Instagram Story
  • Instagram Post
  • CozyProtec Websites

fig 1.16 Art Concept

Since our outcomes lacked consistency, we revisited the concept to ensure that everyone followed it, aiming for a more cohesive result.

fig 1.17 Content Development

We repeatedly adjusted our content to achieve consistency and ensure a perfect outcome that aligns with our brand name and concept. This process involved collaborative content development among all team members.

fig 1.18 Website Progress in Figma

My task is designing the websites with XiaoHui. We design the prototype by using Figma. Click here to view the website progress file.

fig 1.19 Key elements used

We identified several key elements suitable for the website to align with the agreed-upon key visuals.

fig 1.20 CozyProtec Prototype

After completing the website design and linking all the pages together, I felt happy and satisfied seeing the consistent outcome. Despite the many challenges we faced, resolving them made the final result worthwhile.

Final Outcome
Social Media Ads

fig 1.21 Social Media Ads - YouTube

YouTube Ads

fig 1.22 YouTube Ads - YouTube

Instagram Stories

fig 1.23 Instagram Stories

Social Media Post

fig 1.24 Social Media Posts


fig 1.25 Packaging Design

Brand Collateral (Drawstring Bag)

fig 1.26 Brand Collateral - Drawstring Bag

Brand Collateral (Bottle)

fig 1.27 Brand Collateral - Bottle

Brand Collateral (Towel)

fig 1.28 Brand Collateral - Towel


fig 1.29 Cozy Protec Websites- Figma


Week 1

  • Project Briefing: Choose projects based on interests and specializations, ensuring no more than three members with the same specialization in a group.

Week 3

  • Client Meeting: Emphasized the importance of interview sessions for the anti-radiation shirt over surveys due to time constraints.

Week 6

  • Empathy Map and Slides: Suggested refining insights and problem statements, providing significant guidance on our thinking process.

Presentation Week

  • Slide Feedback: Reduce text and increase visual elements to maintain client interest.
  • Client Feedback: Consider adopting a gaming-style design for the website to make it more interesting and unique.

Post-Presentation Week

  • Social Media Strategy: Include more products in the brand and use templates for uniformity. Focus on detailed designs for one or two products.

Marketing Calendar Review

  • Marketing Phases: Include phases for announcing the brand and increasing brand awareness. Slight adjustments needed, but the overall direction was correct.

Inconsistent Designs

  • Unified Design Style: Identified inconsistency in designs. Suggested creating a unified design style and elements for everyone to follow. Added bright yellow to the color palette for contrast.

New Design Style

  • Old-Fashioned Designs: Some designs appeared old-fashioned. Provided modern, fashion-forward references and advised focusing on gaming elements.
  • Key Visual: Design one key visual for the entire team to follow. Approved the use of a white and grey background for a modern look.

Continued Work and Presentation

  • Website Design: Emphasized collaboration and refinement. Encouraged linking website pages in Figma for a prototype preview.
  • Presentation Slides: Each member took responsibility for different tasks. Stressed the importance of completing tasks on time and assisting one another.


During this project, I had the opportunity to choose from various topics and eventually selected "Basic T." I faced challenges in identifying the target audience, conducting interviews, and adapting to sudden changes in product focus, such as switching from hydrophobic to anti-radiation shirts with my group members. Throughout, we worked diligently on refining the research, design, and presentation materials. Despite occasional setbacks and disagreements within the group, I managed to complete my tasks by collaborating and assisting others. During this period, I was happy to work with my supportive group members. I believe that my interpersonal skills (TGC 5) have improved, and I now understand team dynamics and the power of teamwork. The experience was both challenging and educational, as I learned to adapt and improve my work based on continuous feedback.

I observed several key issues and areas for improvement during the project. Initially, the designs lacked consistency, and the target audience research was unclear. I struggled with integrating feedback into my work and aligning my design style with others. Therefore, I realized that we should discuss and identify the key visuals that everyone agrees on before we all start designing our work. Additionally, our presentation initially had too much text, and the slides lacked visual appeal. This taught me that when presenting, we should focus more on graphic elements and keywords to leave a lasting impression on the client and others, rather than using too many words, which can dampen enthusiasm. Furthermore, our team faced difficulties in keeping up with deadlines and ensuring that everyone contributed equally, as not everyone could keep up with the pace. However, through regular discussions, brainstorming sessions, and consultations with our lecturer, we gradually improved our designs and presentations, ultimately achieving a cohesive and polished final product.

I discovered the importance of clear communication, collaboration, and adaptability in project work. Feedback from the lecturer and client was crucial in guiding our design direction and ensuring our work met professional standards. I learned to prioritize visual appeal in presentations, focus on user-friendly design elements, and ensure consistency across all design materials. Additionally, I found that incorporating a unified design style and color scheme significantly improved the overall look and feel of the project. The project also highlighted the importance of effective time management and the willingness to help others meet deadlines. My communication skills have also improved through this module, as I needed to effectively communicate my ideas to my group members.
