Interactive Design - Project 2: Working Web Page

10.10.2023 - 24.10.2023 ( Week 7- Week 9)
Gam Jze Shin / 0353154
Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Project 2: Working Web Page

1. Lectures
2. Instructions

Refer to Lectures.


Project 2
Part 2: Working Web Page


  • Transform your static prototype from Project 1 into a fully functional and interactive web page. You will apply your knowledge of web layout class to create a working website that closely aligns with your original prototype. 
  • Review your static prototype from Project 1 and analyze its layout, typography, color scheme, and imagery. Use HTML and CSS to translate the design elements into code, ensuring a faithful representation of the original prototype. Aim for pixel-perfect precision while maintaining responsive design principles to ensure compatibility across different devices and screen sizes. Upload the file in Netlify and submit the link here. Update your e-portfolio with all the processes documented in the blog.

fig. 1.1 Folder created

At first, I created a folder for this assignment and named it as 'Resume code'. Then, I insert all the pictures related in this file.

fig. 1.2 Images needed

I saved the icon's pictures that used in my prototype design and convert it into background transparent pictures.

fig. 1.3 My Resume Prototype 

Based on my prototype design, I need to figure out my background colour, font colour and font family. Hence, I checked it in Figma.

fig. 1.4 - 1.6 Details in Figma 

The background colour is #EFF7FA and the colour of font is #3A5E8A. The font family I used is 'Alegreya Sans SC.

fig. 1.7 CSS file

After I figure out the design of my prototype resume, I created a CSS file for this project and linked it with the HTML file.


fig. 1.8 - 1.11 Progress in HTML

Then, I added all the content into the HTML code by using <div>, <nav>, <ul>. 

fig. 1.11 - 1.14  Progress in CSS

When I included all the content needed, I started to style in CSS. Remarks:
  • h1 - My name (GAM JZE SHIN)
  • p - Identity (Bachelor of BDCM)

fig. 1.15 Top part for resume

For the above part of my prototype design, my self portrait is at the left, however, the information are at the right. Hence, I adjust it in CSS. The width of left part is slightly smaller than right part.

fig. 1.16 - 1.18 Content part for resume

As the majority of the prototype content includes an icon positioned to the left of the text, I have utilized distinct classes for styling in both HTML and CSS.

fig. 1.19 -1.20 CSS in mobile version

Once I done all the html and css in desktop version, I tried to adjust it in mobile version which changing the media's max-width to 992px and 390px.

Final Working Web Page
Feel free to see my Resume Webpage.

fig. 2.1 Final webpage - Desktop version

fig. 2.2 Final webpage - Mobile version#1

fig. 2.3 Final webpage - Mobile version#2


Through this project, I delved into the process of converting a prototype into a web page using HTML and CSS. This presented a substantial challenge for me, as my previous experience primarily involved using platforms like Wix that don't require direct HTML and CSS coding. In such platforms, adjustments to font gaps or page layout are straightforward through dragging and dropping elements. However, the transition to HTML and CSS demanded strict adherence to rules and formats; a single mistake could disrupt the entire structure. Despite encountering challenges, continuous practice and research have contributed to my growing understanding of HTML and CSS. While difficulties persist, seeking advice and solutions from online resources and peers has proven invaluable. This experience underscores the complexity of creating web pages with HTML and CSS, emphasizing the need for persistent practice and dedicated research for improved results.
