Interactive Design - Lectures

28.8.2023 - 27.11.2023 ( Week 1- Week 14)
Gam Jze Shin / 0353154
Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media


Week 1 -  Module Briefing

As the administrative error related to module registration, I had missed the first week class. However, I asked my classmates what was going on that day. She told me our first task is doing web analysis and also signed up to Netlify.

Week 2 -  Usability

For this week, Mr. Shamsul talked about Usability: Designing Products for User Satisfaction. Besides, we are divided into groups for class activity. Scenario is given to us and we should design a new interface to solve a particular problem or meet a particular user need by sketching out the design ideas on paper.

Our Scenario: Scenario 1: 

Your group is tasked with designing a new e-commerce website for a local clothing store. 
User need: Users want to be able to easily browse and purchase clothing items online, with clear product descriptions and images, and a simple checkout process.
Usability principles to consider: Consistency, Simplicity, Visibility and Error prevention

Week 3 -  Understanding Website Structure

In week 3, we learned about website structure. There are three key elements which is header, body and footer.

Header - Top section of webpage. It contains the website's logo, navigation menu, and contact information for user to quick access to essential information.
Body - Main content area of a webpage. It contains text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements. Proper organization of content within the body is crucial for readability.
Footer - Bottom of a webpage. It typically includes copyright information, links to important pages, and contact details. The footer provides closure to the webpage and additional navigation options.

We also know about navigation menu which help user move clearly around the webpage.

Activity: Navigation Menu Design

We need to design the navigation menu for a travel agency. The problem that we need to think:
Identify Main Pages: Within your chosen theme, identify the main pages that your website would have. These are the primary sections or categories of your site. For example, a restaurant website might have pages like "Menu," "About Us," "Contact," and "Reservations." 
Design the Navigation Menu: Using pen and paper or digital tools (if available), design a navigation menu for your fictional website. Consider the following elements: 
Menu labels: What will each menu item be called?
Hierarchy: How will you organize these menu items? What will be in the top-level menu, and what will be in submenus (if any)?
Visual presentation: Sketch or describe how the menu will look. Consider dropdown menus, hover effects, or any other design elements.

Week 4 - The Web and Language

Week 4, we studied about web standard especially how the web works, structure of the web page and also how pages use structure. Besides, we learned some basic HTML structure and format which will help in our project. After our lecture class, we have our practical class which is writing HTML codes. Mr. Shamsul guided us step by step in order to make sure all of us understand all the step.

Steps to start writing HTML codes:

1. Open Notepad (for window's users)
2. Save it and named as 'index.html' in a new folder.
3. After writing HTML codes, always save it and we can see it by refreshing the web page. However, did not close the Notepad.

Beginning of the HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>



1. Press 'TAB'  -  for new lines.
2. Always use lowercase to write HTML codes.
3. <hr/>  -  horizontal line.
4. Blank target="_blank"  - going to new web.

First test in class: 

fig 1.1 - 1.2 Week 4 activities

Exercise in class
We need to create a Personal Profile Webpage Description. 
HTML Structure: 
  • Begin by creating a new HTML file and setting up the basic structure with <!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head>, and <body> elements. 
Page Title: 
  • Inside the <head> element, add a <title> element with a title for your webpage, like "My Profile." 
Header Section: 
  • In the <body> section, create a header section using the <header> element. Add a main heading (<h1>) with your name. Optionally, include a subheading (<h2>) with a brief tagline or description. 
About Me: 
  • Create a section for information about yourself. Include a <h3> heading saying "About Me." Add a couple of paragraphs (<p>) with a brief introduction of yourself. 
My Interests: 
  • Create another section to list your interests or hobbies. Use an appropriate heading, such as <h3>: "My Interests." Add an introduction for this section using <p>. Create an unordered list (<ul>) and list some (more than 3) of your interests using <li> elements. 
My Photo: 
  • Insert an image of yourself using the <img> tag. Specify the image source (src attribute) and provide a brief description using the alt attribute. 
Contact Information: 
  • Create a contact section with an appropriate heading. Include your email address and optionally other contact details like your social media profiles or phone number using the list item. 
Testing and Validation: 
  • Test your webpage by opening it in a web browser to ensure everything displays correctly. Use online HTML validators to check for any syntax errors and fix them if needed. 
Publish Your Webpage: 
  • If possible, publish your webpage online using a free web hosting service or GitHub Pages.
fig 1.3 Week 4 activities

fig 1.4 My Personal Profile Webpage

Week 5 - ID and Class attribute

In class, we learned about the the ID and class attribute for Html code. Then, we also know about what is CSS. CSS allows us to create rules that specify how the content of an element should appear. CSS works by associating rules with HTML elements.

Some important notes recorded in class:
  • Window > properties > check what can do (change sizes...)
  • Choose standard view in Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Open one folder
  • Manage sites> new sites> click folder icon> choose file> save> see related file in right side> click and drag the image in design view
  • border means 边框
Two different style of writing Html code for changing background:
  • background-image:url("My pic/pexels-serinus-5149246.jpg");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
background-attachment: fixed;

  • body {
background:url("My pic/pexels-serinus-5149246.jpg") no-repeat fixed;
background-size: cover;
margin: 0;

Exercise in class
Following Mr. ShamsuI's instructions, we adding background colour, different type of fonts and different style of text (shadow, size, colour...) by using Adobe Dreamweaver.

fig 1.5 - 1.7 Week 5 class activities

Week 6
During this week, we delved into CSS selectors and explored the process of crafting a navigation bar complete with functional links.

Week 7

fig 1.8 - 1.15 Week 7 class activities
  • Include attribute between opening tab
  • All should be nested
  • bnt=button
  • img= image
  • save css file as style.css
  • Class selector  use  .
  • Id use #
  • think about mobile first> web design
  • responsive to other device
  • <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  • first div called 'container'
  • must follow the order!!!
  • a: link (appear)
  • active (click)
  •  hover (touch)
  • visited
Week 9
This week's lesson covered various positioning techniques, including sticky, static, relative, absolute, and fixed.

fig 1.16 - 1.18 Week 9 class activities

Week 10
This week's lesson with Mr. Shamsul focused on crafting a sticky navigation link, providing users with a convenient way to navigate various sections of the content.

fig 1.19 - 1.27 Week 10 class activities
  • Use absolute to insert video
  • <video control autoplay src....>
  • position-fixed for below right button
  • vh= vertical horizontal
  • for very long gap at below of device
  • section min-height 100vh
  • sticky= stick on the top if scrolling down
  • apply z-index (depth) (bigger z-index, it will at the front)
  • z-index: -1 (back)
  • z-index: 1 000 (front) *depands
  • height of the logo <150px for logo
  • px is a fixed value, use em (1.25em) in navi a:link
  • nav. active
Week 11
In this week's session, Mr. Shamsul illustrated the process of crafting a gallery of photos on the website.

fig 1.28 Week 11 class activities
  • lightbox photoGallery
  • java script need to be the bottom, all the things must before script
  • need to add !important
  • For video background: z-index: -1 (back)    1 (front)
Final project task:
Week 9
1. Confirm artist and write in google form.

Week 10
1. Sketches (>5)wireframe
2.Moodboard - miro/ google slide
  • Colour Palatte
  • font choice
  • header
  • body-naxi
3. visual references

Week 11
1. low fidelity prototype - miro/figma
  • no need use colour - grey scale
Week 12, Week 13
1. developed phase
2. create assets - icon, image
3. gallery use light box effect

Week 14
1. Submission



Exercise 1: Web Analysis
Choose TWO (2) websites from the link given. Review the website that we've selected carefully. Write a brief report summarizing in not more than 500 words. We can include a screen capture of each section or page of the website to explain and make sure that the formatting of the report is clear (heading/subheadings).

What To Have in The Analysis:

  • Purpose and goals - Are they effectively communicated to the user?
  • Visual design and layout - What use of color, typography, and imagery? 
  • Functionality and usability - Navigation, forms, and interactive elements? 
  • Quality and relevance of content - Accuracy, clarity, and organization? 
  • Website's performance - Load times, responsiveness, and compatibility with different devices and browsers?

Exercise 2: Web Replication
Choose and replicate TWO (2) existing main pages of the websites given in the link below to gain a better understanding of their structure. We need to follow the dimensions of the existing website from the width and height.


1. Ocean Health Index

fig 2.1 -2.2 Web Replication #1

Final Replicated Website:

fig 2.3 Final Web Replication #1

fig 2.4 -2.5 Web Replication #2

Final Replicated Website:

fig 2.6 Final Web Replication #2


Throughout this module, I gained proficiency in using HTML, CSS, and Javascript to build a website. Unlike my previous experience with platforms like Wix and Canva, where I could design by dragging and dropping, coding required a different approach. Initially, I felt apprehensive, considering the perceived complexity of coding. However, as I grasped the fundamentals and dedicated time to practice and research, I realized its comprehensibility. I am pleased with acquiring this skill set. Additionally, my design thinking and problem-solving abilities have significantly improved during this module.
