Video and Sound Production - Project 2

15.9.2023 - 13.10.2023 ( Week 3- Week 7)
Gam Jze Shin / 0353154
Video and Sound Production / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Project 2: Shooting Practise & Editing



All lectures and exercises are recorded in Video and Sound Production - Lectures and Exercises.

Project 2
Production Shoot
In this project, we are assigned into 2 teams which is team B and team S. Team B will shoot for the Netflix movie 'Beef', while the team S will shoot the Japanese movie 'Silent'. After shooting the scene, we should edit it in our own way. I am in Team B and we separate our roles in class.

fig. 1.1 Crew list for Beef

My role is Assistant Director. Before started our shooting, I should assist my director to prepare the shooting schedules and shot lists.

fig. 1.2 Role of Assistant Director

We listed out the description, sound, costume, location and timeline based on the storyboard scene given by Mr. Martin. 

fig. 1.3 - 1.5 Shooting Details

During the Week 5 class, we conducted a shoot at Taylor campus following our prepared list. On the shooting day, my responsibilities included assisting the director in planning camera setups and movements for each shot. I also ensured that all authors and staff were ready before announcing the scenes.

fig. 1.6 My role on shooting day

The entire shooting process proceeded smoothly with active help and cooperation from everyone. After shooting, director had uploaded the video footages and audio in Drive. Hence, all of the members can download from the Drive.

fig. 1.7 Drive

Production Shoot (Editing)
From the Drive, I renamed it and selected the needed video. Then, I insert it into Adobe Premiere Pro.

fig. 2.1 Video needed in Adobe Pr

As I would like to edit it in film trailer style. Hence, I add black video between the video and the keywords that represent the film by using text. The text font I chose is Futura Std which I think is suitable for this trailer.

fig. 2.2 Adding text in video
Next, I arranged all the shooting video needed and apply transition effects on it. The transition effects that I used for it are 
  • Cross Dissolve (Between scene > scene)
  • Additive Dissolve (Between black video > scene)
  • Dip to black (Between scene > scene/black video)

fig. 2.3 Tranistions

In this task, we have to edit the colour grading for the video. Our task are edit it into Bluish (cold), Greenish (cold) , Brownish (warm) and Teal & Orange effect. I apply different colour grading in different scene. Hence, I based on different scene to adjust difference colour grading.


fig. 2.4 - 2.11 Colour grading

Based on the video that teaching us how to create rolling end credit, I apply it into my video with the name of our crew members.

fig. 2.12 Rolling end credit

Finally, I done my editing on 'Beef' video. Below is the pictures showing the progress in Adobe Premiere Pro.

fig. 2.13 Progress in Adobe Pr

Final Production Shoot

Instagram/ TikTok video treatment

Before we started shooting our self-titled video, we need to think about the video idea and write on Google Slides template who provided by Mr. Martin. 


My video idea is making an interesting introduction video. Then, I started to think about the storyboard in difference scene. After that, I began to shoot my video by using tripod stand.

fig. 3.1 Tripod stand set-up

I saved all the video that needed into a file after finishing the shooting task.

fig. 3.2 File include video needed

Before editing my video in Adobe Premiere Pro, I had edited the introduction, transition part and some scene on my phone by using ‘剪映’.

fig. 3.3 - 3.4 Progress in 剪映

Then, I began to edit my video in Adobe Premiere Pro. I insert all the video scene on it according to my story board. The transition effects that I used for it are:
  • Cross Dissolve (Between scene > scene)
  • Additive Dissolve (Between black video > scene)
  • Dip to black (Between scene > scene/black video)
fig. 3.5 Transitions

I decided to add text into my video. The font using is Forte which is slightly inclined, it gives the impression of having been made with a bold brush or marker, and can therefore be used in work that requires an informal appearance.

fig. 3.6 Adding text in Adobe Pr

I apply the vector motion on the text which is moving left to right in all scene.

fig. 3.7 - 3.8  Vector motion

After that, I do colour correction in every scene. I edited all of the scene into cool colour which brings the feeling of calm and soothe. Before (Right), After (Left)

fig. 3.9 - 3.14 Colour Grading

As I noticed that if the adjustment layer is above the Graphic, the colour of the text will change based on the adjustment layer. Therefore, I turned them both upside down.

fig. 3.15 - 3.16 Adjustment layer and Graphic

Beside, I found some sound effect and edit the semi-tones to fit the video better. The background music I used for this video is 'Pick a star for you’ by Yuan.

fig. 3.17 Semi-tones foe sound effects

When I done my video, I asked about feedbacks from Mr. Martin. He suggested me to apply more stylish colour grading for different scenes. Thus, I tried to apply more different colour grading on different scene.

fig. 3.18 - 3.25 Colour Grading

Finally, I done my editing on my Instagram/ TikTok video treatment. Below is the pictures showing the progress in Adobe Premiere Pro.
fig. 3.26 Progress in Adobe Pr

Final Instagram/ TikTok video


Production Shoot
In this task, I studied on how to shoot film video with others. We divided the work and worked together to better complete the shoot. From this, I learned that filming is not easy, and I also realized that every role in the team is important. When shooting, you need to pay attention to many details such as camera angles, actor movements, background lighting and sound recording, etc. During the editing process, I also learned some tips to present better visual effects to the audience.

Instagram/ TikTok video treatment
For the second task which is Instagram/ TikTok video treatment video, I had to figure out how to present a film in my own way that would impress others. Editing is a bigger challenge for me than shooting. It takes a lot of time to research and incorporate the right elements and skills into the film. Whether it is the video, background music, subtitles, transitions, sound effects, they are all the key to the video. I am very satisfied with my work and enjoy the process of making it.
