Video and Sound Production - Lectures & Exercises

28.8.2023 - 1.12.2023 ( Week 1- Week 14)
Gam Jze Shin / 0353154
Video and Sound Production / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Lectures & Exercises


Week 1 -  Module Briefing
In week 1, Mr. Martin give us module briefing in order to let us understand more about the assignments, learning outcomes of this module.

fig 1.1 Module Briefing

Week 2 - Framing and Storyboard

fig 1.2 Framing and Storyboard

  Mr. Martin stated that there are many shot size:

  • Extreme wide shot 
  • Wide shot 
  • Medium wide shot 
  • Medium shot 
  • Medium close-up shot 
  • Close-up shot 
  • Extreme close-up shot
Then, he explained to us the meaning and reason of using the certain shot. For instance, director like to use extreme wide shot to interpret the background of the entire scene. On the contrary, close-up shot are used for focus on importance object that brings meaning in the story.

fig 1.3 Scene samples

We also know that 'Rule of Thirds' is used in many video. Besides, 180
°  Degree Rule is one of the rule that did not change the character's position and which will not confused viewers when watching a video.

Week 3 - Storytelling in Film

fig 1.4 Storytelling in Film

fig 1.5 Film Sound

This week, we learned on storytelling in film. In film, there are story and plot. Story means what happened and plot means why and how it will happened?

3 ACT Structure:
  • Beginning (Introduction of story)
  • Middle (Confrontation of problem)
  • End (Resolution of problem)
Besides, we also learned on sound elements which is speech (dialogue), sound effects (suitable for certain scene and action) and music (background music). 

Week 4 - Mise En Scène
fig 1.6 Mise En Scène

Everything in the frame can carry meaning. This is the important things that we learned in this week. It refers to what we see onscreen; its visuals; meaning, all of the elements that appear on camera and their arrangement:
  • Composition
  • Set Design 
  • Lighting 
  • Costume and Props 
  • Depth of Space

Week 5 - Shooting Day
In week 5, we do shooting practice demo and shoot for our project 2 in E1.01 class. Mr. Martin personally demonstrated to us and taught us how to use the shooting props.

Week 6 - Color Correction
fig 1.7 Color Correction

Watching film, we should use eye and ear. Besides, there are some steps of color correction in Adobe Premiere Pro.
  • Color correction: Exposure > Color > Grading
  • 0-10 shadow
  • 70 above highlight
  • Beginner : use exposure and contrast only
  • Color: Temperature, Tint
  • Turn on comparison mode before adjust

Week 7 - Audio Editing
fig 1.8 Audio Editing

This week, Mr. Martin taught us the steps on how to edit audio in Adobe Audition:
  • Effect rack > Filter & EQ > Parametric Equalizer
  • Create new multitrack > Reverb...

Week 8 - Independent learning week
No class. 

Week 9 - Stop Motion
fig 1.9 Stop Motion

As our final project is about stop motion, this week lesson is know about the basic of stop motion in order to have better understanding. 

Week 10 - Stop motion shooting demo
We meet Mr. Martin at E1.01 for stop motion shoot. Each group bring:
  • Camera or Phone(stop motion app installed)
  • Tripod
  • Blue tooth remote or ear piece with volume control

Week 11 - VFX Tutorial
fig 1.10 VFX Tutorial

In physical class, Mr. Martin showed us about VFX tutorial. In the slide, there are the steps on how it works.

Week 12 - 14 
I'll be stationed in studio during class time, if you decide to shoot your final during class time, no booking is needed. Please come to studio for discussion. However, no attendance will be taken. 



Week 1
Exercise 1: Smint
Then, we are given some simple exercises to do which is combining video clips into a video by using Adobe Premiere Pro. It helps us to familiar with this software as we need to use it for future assignments.

Exercise 2: Doritos
Besides, we asked for editing another video clips (Doritos). For this video, the order of video clips is messed up. Hence, we need to identify and arrange the timeline of the entire video and combine it.

Final Project Preparation
In week 1, we should watch short motion shorts and shortlist 3 stop motions shorts in a slide and provide reasons (style, art direction, character design...) This task can inspirated us about the direction of our final slow motion project.

fig 2.1 Final Project Preparation

Week 2
Exercise 1: Framing

fig 2.2 Framing

We are separated into pairs. From the list above, we need to choose either one and shoot it in our practical class. Then, we are given 20 minutes to find place and complete this shooting exercise.

Exercise 2: Lalin

Besides, We have another exercise to do which is Lalin exercise. We need to downloaded the footages, graphics from google drive. There are two storyboard provided and we should choose either one. After choosing it, we need to trim all the unnecessary part from the clip and combine the necessary part in Adobe Premiere Pro. The clip must be 35 seconds.

fig 2.3 Lalin storyboard

Week 3
Exercise 1: 3 Act Story Exercises
fig 2.4 3 Act Story Exercises

Week 7
This week, we figured out how to use Adobe Audition to change how sounds sound. We download and played around with it to practice shaping the sound.

fig 2.5 Sound shaping

fig 2.6 Sound shaping (Phone)

Week 9
Exercise 1: Stop Motion
We acquired skills in using Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects to edit and merge the photos we captured for our stop-motion video project.

fig 2.7 Stop motion combine

fig 2.8 Stop motion combine

After we import all the footages into Adobe Premiere Pro, we can combine it into one videos.

Week 10
Exercise 1: Stop Motion Trial
In week 10, our team of four members conducted a trial shoot for our stop-motion project. Leveraging the tools provided by Mr. Martin and utilizing our smartphones, we captured footage for two scenes.

Week 11
Exercise 1: VFX Practice
In week 11 lecture, we practiced VFX using the provided footages. Employing our newfound VFX editing skills, we worked on the footage to attain the desired result.


I find immense joy in learning this module because it aligns with my passion for shooting and editing videos. The journey has been thoroughly enjoyable for me. While I encountered challenges in video editing, I am grateful for the various avenues of support available. Mr. Martin, our lecturer, has consistently dedicated his time to assist us. Additionally, working through problems with friends and leveraging the wealth of information on the Internet has proven invaluable. I am truly thankful for all that I've learned, and I am content with the outcomes of this module. I believe my skills in problem-solving and design thinking have significantly improved.

Throughout this period, I have come to realize the significance of creativity in making our videos and outcomes truly captivating. Having a solid idea is just the beginning; the key lies in implementing these ideas using the various skills and techniques we've acquired in our video and sound production class. Moreover, I've observed that even when working with the same video footage, each individual's approach to editing yields unique outcomes. Simple alterations, such as color correction, effects, and sound applications, can drastically influence the viewer's experience, bringing forth distinct feelings and results.

From this module, I have come to realize that creating a video involves more than meets the eye. It's not just a matter of picking up a camera or phone and hitting record; there are several crucial steps preceding that. First and foremost, generating video ideas and seeking visual references online are essential. Then, creating a storyboard and planning the necessary items for the shoot become crucial tasks. During filming, considerations like lighting, sound, and camera angles demand our attention. Post-shooting, the editing phase becomes paramount—utilizing tools like color correction, adding sound effects, or incorporating background music. This process unveils a plethora of professional skills that can be honed to enhance the quality of our videos and captivate viewers.
