Advanced Typography - Task 1/Exercises: Typographic Systems & Type & Play Assignment

30.8.2023 - 24.9.2023 ( Week 1 - Week 4)
Gam Jze Shin / 0353154
Advanced Typography / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 1 / Exercise: Typographic Systems & Type & Play Assignment

1. Lectures
2. Instructions
3. Feedback
4. Reflection
5. Further Reading

AdTypo_1_ Typographic Systems

Typographic organization is complex because the elements are dependent on communication in order to function. There are eight major variations:

     1. Axial System

fig. 1.1.1  Axial system

All elements are organized to the left or right of a single axis (red line). The axis not necessary need to be straight, it can be bent. Examples:

fig. 1.1.2 Axial System's poster

     2. Radial System
fig. 1.1.3 Radial System

All elements are extended from a point of focus. Examples:

fig. 1.1.4 Radial System's poster

     3. Dilatational System
fig. 1.1.5 Dilatational System

All elements expand from a central point in a circular fashion. Examples:

fig. 1.1.6  Dilatational's poster

     4. Random System
fig. 1.1.7  Random System

Elements appear to have no specific pattern or relationship. A method in the chaos is created. Examples:

fig. 1.1.8  Random's poster

     5. Grid System
fig. 1.1.9  Grid System

A system of vertical and horizontal divisions. Information structured to the different grids within the page with different sizes and weights. (create emphasis and hierarchy) Examples:

fig. 1.1.10  Grid System's poster

     6. Transitional System

fig. 1.1.11  Transitional System

An informal system of layered banding. Banding means segregating information within certain bands. Examples:

fig. 1.1.12 Transitional's poster

     7. Modular System

fig. 1.1.13  Modular System

A series of non-objective elements that are constructed in as a standardized units. The square have to be standardized and same size. Modular allows to move the individual units to different portions of page. Examples:

fig. 1.1.14  Modular System's poster

     8. Bilateral System

fig. 1.1.15  Bilateral System

All text is arranged symmetrically on a single axis. Examples:

fig. 1.1.16  Bilateral's poster

AdTypo_2_ Typographic Composition
Principle of Design Composition Typographic have 7 dominant principles which are emphasis, isolation, repetition, symmetry and asymmetry, alignment, perspective, rhythm, contrast.

fig. 1.2.1 Typographic Composition

The Rule of Third
A photographic guide to composition. A frame divided into 3 columns and 3 rows. Intersecting lines are used as guide to place the point of interest.

fig. 1.2.2 The rule of third

Grid System
fig. 1.2.3 Grid System

The reason why it remains popular because the versatility of the system and modular nature even it seems to be old and rigid. It is also pragmatic options simply because our reading ability and we tends to prefer the things that more ordered instead of the things that looks messy. 

fig. 1.2.4 Artwork for David Carson

In modernist era, younger designers try to challenge this notion of order and explore chaos, randomness, and asymmetry in typographic systems. The generation who being exposed to Punk and anti-establishment thoughts and music think the chaos was exciting and new.

fig. 1.2.5 Modernist era's design

Environmental Grid
Based on the exploration of an existing structure or numerous structure combined. Extraction of crucial lines (curved / straight) are formed.

fig. 1.2.6 Environmental Grid

Form and Movement
Based on the exploration of an existing Grid Systems. The placement of a form on a page, over many pages creates movement. Whether the page is paper or screen is irrelevant.

fig. 1.2.7 Form and Movement

The forms can be represent images, text or colour. Maintaining a connection between one spread to another spread is important.

fig. 1.2.8 Form and Movement

Context means basically historical context. When talking some specific topic, it is important to put it in its context to understand it in greater depth.

Handwriting become the basic or standard for form, spacing and conventions mechanical type would try and mimic. Shape and line of hand drawn letterforms are influenced by the tools and materials used to make them.

fig. 1.3.1 Tools of handwriting

fig. 1.3.2 Tools of handwriting

fig. 1.3.3 Evolution of the Latin Alphabet

Above is the handwriting in the earlier stages. BCE means before common error, CE means common error after zero year. In first stage, the letterforms is like ideogram. In Phoenician, written languages takes a turn where based on sound as opposed to pictorial representation of something. (Turning point)

fig. 1.3.4 Ideogram

Cuneiform is the earliest system of actual writing. It used in number of languages between the 34C. It written from left to right.
fig. 1.3.5 Ancient Egypt

Hieroglyphics. Egyptian writing system is fused with the art of relief carving. It has the potential to use in three different ways:
  • As ideograms to represent the things they actually depict
  • As determinatives to show that the signs preceding are meant as phonograms and to indicate the general idea of the word
  • As phonograms to represent sounds that "spell out" individual words
fig. 1.3.6 Hieroglyphics

Early Greek. (5th C.B.C.E)
  • Comprised of only capital letters written between two guidelines organized them into horizontal loads.
  • Direction of reading did not fixed. (Left to right and continue with right to left which like 'Ox plows') The words will be reversed or flipped. 
fig. 1.3.7 Early Greek

Roman Uncials
  • Became more rounded, the curved form allowed for fewer strokes and could be written faster.
fig. 1.3.8 Roman Uncials

English Half Uncials (8th C.)
  • In England, it evolved into more slanted and condensed
  • English and Irish evolved writing on the European continent developed considerably and needed a reformer.
fig. 1.3.9 English Half Uncials 

Carolingian Minuscule
  • Created around 800 from balanced stylized elements of various predecessor scripts in the educational centers of the Carolingian Empire. 
  • New, clear, and uniform script that was introduced throughout the country under the reign of Charlemagne.
fig. 1.3.10 Carolingian Minuscule

Black Letter (12-15 C. CE)
  • The term Gothic originted with the Italians who used it to refer to rude or barbaric cultures north of the Italian Alps.

fig. 1.3.11 Black letter

The Italian Renaissance
  • Going back to the humanistic style 
  • Humanist admired the Carolingian script, which had clear open handwriting.
fig. 1.3.12 The Italian Renaissance

Movable Type (11 C. – 14 C.)
  • Printing(wood block) had already been practiced in China, Korea and Japan. 
  • Earliest known printed book (AD 868) is the Diamond Sutra: 16 scroll with the world's first printed illustration.
  • China attempt to use it but unsuccessful as the number of characters and material used is clay.

Evolution of Western Vs Evolution of Chinese

fig. 1.3.13 - 1.3.14 Evolution of Western Vs Evolution of Chinese

In Chinese, there are more documentary that recorded and it is more detailed.

fig. 1.3.15 Indus

Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) script (3500-2000 BCE)
  • Oldest writing found in Indian. 
  • No one convincingly deciphered it and it seems to have some more logo symbolic nature
  • Some believe The symbols are non linguistic but some argue that they represent Dravidian languages as they are very similar.
fig. 1.3.16 Brahmi script
Brahmi script (450–350 BCE)
  • Earliest writing system developed in India after Indus script.
  • One of the most influential writing systems.
  • All modern Indian scripts and several hundred scripts found in Southeast and East Asia are derived from Brahmi.
fig. 1.3.17 Pallava\

Pallava (Pallawa in Malay)
  • South Indian script originally used for writing Sanskrit and Tamil.
  • Highly influential, becoming the basis for writing systems across Southeast Asia.
fig. 1.3.18 Pra-nagari

  • Used in India for writing Sanskrit.
  • Can be seen today in the Blanjong inscription  of Bali
fig. 1.3.19 Kawi

  • Writing style using in Laguna Copperplate inscription.
  • The word Kawi comes from the Sanskrit term kavya meaning poet. 
  • Script used for contact with other kingdoms as it was so widespread.
  • Basis of other scripts in both Indonesia and Philippines
fig. 1.3.20 Incung

  • Original writing system for people from Kerinci but not Jawi.
  • Others script from Indonesia : Batak script, Bugis script, Javanese script...
fig. 1.3.21 Jawi

  • Arabic-based alphabet.
  • Introduced along with Islam.
  • In modern Malaysia, Jawi is of greater importance as it is the script used for all our famous works of literature.
Why is handwriting important in the study of typography?
The first mechanically produced letterforms were designed to directly imitate handwriting.

fig. 1.3.22 Baloo
  • A perfect blend of pointy paws in a coat of fur.
  • An affable display typeface by EK Type.
fig. 1.3.23 MURASU
  • In Malaysia, it spear-headed by programmer and typographer Muthu. The programming language needed to encode the different types of vernacular writing systems was cracked by Muthu.


Task 1: Exercise 1 - Typographic Systems 

We need to design 8 different layout which is Axial, Radial, Dilatational, Random, Grid, Modular, Transitional and Bilateral. We should explore it by using the content below:

The Design School, 
Taylor’s University 

All Ripped Up: Punk Influences on Design 
The ABCs of Bauhaus Design Theory 
Russian Constructivism and Graphic Design 

Open Public Lectures: 
June 24, 2021 
Lew Pik Svonn, 9AM-10AM 
Ezrena Mohd., 10AM-11AM 
Suzy Sulaiman, 11AM-12PM 

June 25, 2021 
Lim Whay Yin, 9AM-10AM 
Fahmi Reza, 10AM-11AM 
Manish Acharia, 11AM-12PM 

 Lecture Theatre 12

* Chosen topic

Before I designing the layout based on the typographic systems, I tried to understand every system. Some of it looks similar such as Grid System and Modular System and I afraid I might make mistake on it.


fig. 2.1.1 Axial
  • Using one line. ( can be diagonal/ straight line)
  • Follow the line.


fig. 2.1.2 Radial
  • From one point expand.
  • The shape looks like sun.


fig. 2.1.3 Dilatational
  • Circle shape.
  • The circle line is continuous. 


fig. 2.1.4 Random
  • Using different elements.
  • Random but not too complicated until cannot focus on the content.

fig. 2.1.5 Grid
  • Neat layout.
  • Looks like calendar.

fig. 2.1.6 Modular
  • Separate into many boxes.
  • Content must inside the boxes.

fig. 2.1.7 Transitional
  • Can be straight / curve.
  • The movement from up to down.

fig. 2.1.8 Bilateral
  • More than one axis.
  • Horizontal and vertical.
From the references I found via online, I obtained some inspirations and ideas especially the arrangement of the text and also elements using. 

fig. 2.2.1 - 2.2.2 Handwriting sketches (Week 1, 2.9.2023)

At first, I draw out my rough idea on paper. Through this way, I will get more inspiration. After exploring with this method, I draw in on my Ipad.

fig. 2.2.3 Digital sketch (Week 2, 3.9.2023)

Above is my draft I draw in Ipad. It will save my time when I make it in InDesign as I probably have ideas. However, sometimes it may change when it can be done in a better ways.

InDesign Progress
fig. 2.3.1 InDesign Progress (Week 2, 3.9.2023 - 10.9.2023 )

fig. 2.3.2 InDesign Progress (Week 2, 3.9.2023 - 10.9.2023)

This is the proof that I making my typographic systems by using InDesign. From this exercise, the tools that I usually used are type tool, line tool, ellipse tool to design my composition. Besides, the guide lines in InDesign is also useful for me to follow the balance and the rules of typographic systems.

First Typographic Systems Attempt
fig. 2.3.3 - 2.3.4 Axial attempt #1, 2 (Week 2, 3.9.2023)

In my opinion, Axial systems is the most easiest system among the eight systems. However, it is more challenging things for us to make it more creative. After I attempting it, I think I can include colour on it to enhance the visual effect.

fig. 2.3.5 - 2.3.6 Radial attempt #1, 2 (Week 2, 3.9.2023)

The first idea when I doing radial system is sun. Hence, I tried to make it like a sun and which emit light (words / information). The right part of the attempt 1 is in different colour to emphasize the importance of that part.

fig. 2.3.7 Dilatational attempt #1 (Week 2, 4.9.2023)

For Dilatational, it mostly about circle. Thus, I make it looks like snail shape which from big to small and from external to internal. The sequence of information: TITLE > EVENT > DETAILS (Dates/ Time)

fig. 2.3.8 Random attempt #1 (Week 2, 4.9.2023)

At the beginning, I have no idea on random systems. I direct include all the given information in my page and I placed them randomly. After that, I added some graphical elements such as circle and line. I also apply another typographic systems on it such as radial system.

fig. 2.3.9 - 2.3.10 Grid attempt #1, 2 (Week 2, 4.9.2023)

At first, I separate the page into 3 X 3 grid. I tried to place the information and details on it. However, I noticed that I must follow the grid that included on the page to show grid system.

fig. 2.3.11 - 2.3.12 Modular attempt #1,2 (Week 2, 4.9.2023)

I separate the page into 3 X 3 grid. After that, I decided to place the main title on the middle box and the details information on corner. There are some empty place on the left space and I tried to add on the graphical elements on it.

fig. 2.3.13 Transitional attempt #1 (Week 2, 4.9.2023)

I placed the title on the middle with irregular line. After this, I include the rest following by the title. Hence, it will look like irregular pattern. 


fig. 2.3.14 Bilateral attempt #1 (Week 2, 4.9.2023)

I tried to make the title a bit different which separate into left and right. The title include horizontal and vertical axis. The information are placed on left and right corner.

Refined Typographic System
After showing Mr.Vinod my work, I realized that I have some mistakes on it. Therefore, I would like to correct it. Apart from that, I decided to add colour on my typographic systems so it would not look like too simple and dull.

fig. 2.4.1 Axial System refined attempt #1 (Week 2, 7.9.2023)

In addition to add colour on it, I also slightly change the position to make it balance. I tried and debated for a long time about what colour I should use and finally settled on orange as it not only looks conspicuous but also goes well with black. 

fig. 2.4.2 Radial System refined attempt #1 (Week 2, 7.9.2023)

I changed the right part of it as I do it wrongly in my first attempt. The arrangement should be same like the left part.

fig. 2.4.3 Dilatational System refined attempt #1 (Week 2, 8.9.2023)

Mr. Vinod said that I must aware of the smoothness of the circle. Then, I refined it to become more smooth and curve. Besides, I placed the excess information on the gaps in the circle and also make it in different colour to show the importance of it.

fig. 2.4.4 Mdular System refined attempt #1 (Week 2, 8.9.2023)

In my first attempt, I did not noticed that the middle part of title did not placed in the middle grid. After noticing it, I make it in the grid and also include some colour on it.

fig. 2.4.5 - 2.4.7 Bilateral System refined attempt #1,2,3 (Week 2, 10.9.2023)
The first image is after I tried to place all the information on the axis. However, I think it is difficult to arrange it as there will be a lot of axis and it also will become very complicated. So, I created a new idea on it which is the second image. Then, I noticed that it has more than one axis line and I refined it to fulfill the bilateral rule.

Final Task 1 - Exercise 1: Typographic Systems

fig. 2.5.1 Final Axial System - JPEG (Week 2, 10.9.2023)

fig. 2.5.2 Final Radial System - JPEG (Week 2, 10.9.2023)

fig. 2.5.3 Final Dilatational System - JPEG (Week 2, 10.9.2023)

fig. 2.5.4 Final Random System - JPEG (Week 2, 10.9.2023)

fig. 2.5.5 Final Grid System - JPEG (Week 2, 10.9.2023)

fig. 2.5.6 Final Modular System - JPEG (Week 2, 10.9.2023)

fig. 2.5.7 Final Transitional System - JPEG (Week 2, 10.9.2023)

fig. 2.5.8 Final Bilateral System - JPEG (Week 2, 10.9.2023)

fig. 2.5.9 Final Task 1 - Exercise 1: Typographic Systems - PDF (Week 2, 10.9.2023)

fig. 2.5.10 Final Task 1 - Exercise 1: Typographic Systems with grids - PDF (Week 2, 10.9.2023)

Task 1: Exercise 2- Type and Play
We are asked to select an image of a man-made object/ structures (chair, glass, buildings...) or something from nature(tree, river, hill...) From that image, students need to analyze, dissect and identify potential letterforms. The forms would be explored and ultimately digitized.

Choosing Image
In week 2 class, Mr. Vinod give us some times to find an image that we want to explore. After choosing it, we should show him so he can give us some advices and approve our chosen image.

fig. 2.6.1 - 2.6.2 Image chosen and image with extraction letters (Week 2, 6.9.2023)

I showed him this image that I found from my gallery. Mr. Vinod suggested that it will be more challenging if the structure of the letterforms is not obvious in the image as we need to deconstruct it.

fig. 2.6.3 - 2.6.4 Second image chosen and image with extraction letters (Week 2, 8.9.2023)

Then, I decided to find other images which showed above. I tried to find letters on the image and draw it out as draft.

Identifying letterforms

fig. 2.7.1 Identify image letters (Week 2, 8.9.2023)

I observed that the both ends of the gummies are rounded. As the gummies are soft and long, it has no fixed shape and it can be curved, straight or even twisted. Besides, the middle of gummies is separated in two colours.

Extracting Letterforms and Compare with Reference Typeface 
From the letters that I identify, I extract it in Adobe Illustrator. Then, I find some reference typefaces and put bellow of my letters to see the comparison obviously.

fig. 2.6.6 Extracting letters and compare with reference typeface (Week 3, 11.9.2023)

Refining Letterforms

fig. 2.8.1 Refining progress (Week 3, 11.9.2023)

I refined the letters based on my reference typeface with the black stroke and transparent structure. Hence, I can see the structure obviously to refine my letters. 

fig. 2.8.2 Refining progress (Week 3, 11.9.2023)

In order to remain the original element of the letters, I separated the letters by using white lines. Besides, for upper part I colour it in black and below fill with white colour with black stroke to show the different colour part of the gummies.

fig. 2.8.3 Refining compare (first and last) (Week 3, 11.9.2023)

From the image we can see the different of the extracted letterforms and also refined letterforms. 

fig. 2.8.4 Refining progress (Week 3, 11.9.2023)

After Mr. Vinod giving me suggestion, I removed the gay between the letter. Besides, I also smoothen the stroke of the letterforms. Upon completing it, we should combine our letterforms with a visual. The images chosen must related to the previous image's object. 

Combining in Poster

fig. 2.9.1 Progress in Adobe Illustrator (Week 3, 16.9.2023)

As my main object is gummies, I tried to find the picture of gummies via Pinterest. There are a lot of images which full in gummies but I did not choose it as it looks complicated. In short, I choose a image which placing a can of gummies in the middle of the image. After that, I combine it with my letterforms.

fig. 2.9.2 Poster attempt#1 (Week 3, 16.9.2023)

The poster size is 1024px X 1024 px and we need to make it as a film poster. Hence, I included my letterforms on the upper part. The main object is at the middle and the details will at the bottom. The reasons that I use purple in colour in the whole poster is it looks more mystery.

fig. 2.9.2 Poster attempt#2 (Week 3, 16.9.2023)

This is my second attempt. I changed a bit layout of the poster which is changing the middle words to upper part as it looks more better and the middle object will be emphasis.

Final Type and Play (Part A)

fig. 2.10.1 Image chosen (Week 3, 17.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.2 Extraction letterforms with baseline  (Week 3, 17.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.3 Extraction letterforms without baseline  (Week 3, 17.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.4 Final letterforms with baseline (Week 3, 17.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.5 Final letterforms without baseline (Week 3, 17.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.6 Compare extraction and final letterforms (Week 3, 17.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.7 Letter 'C' (Week 3, 17.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.8 Letter 'A' (Week 3, 17.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.9 Letter 'N' (Week 3, 17.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.10 Letter 'D' (Week 3, 17.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.11 Letter 'Y' (Week 3, 17.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.12 Final poster (Week 3, 18.9.2023)

fig. 2.10.12 Final poster (Week 3, 18.9.2023)

Honor Competition 

fig. 3.1 Gleeful Giving (Week 6, 7.10.2023)

fig. 3.2 Gleeful Giving - Wallpaper (Week 6, 7.10.2023)

fig. 3.3 Gleeful Giving - PDF (Week 6, 7.10.2023)


Week 2

General Feedback: Mindful of balance in the layout. Ensuring Titles Remain Unobscured in a Random System.
Specific Feedback: Bilateral system and Modular should be redo it as it is wrong layout. For Dilatational system, the circle can be more smooth. The right part of radial system need to be corrected like the left part.

Week 3

General Feedback: Final letterforms better to reflect the original object's characteristics.
Specific Feedback: The stroke should be smoother as some of it looks flat such as the right upper part of 'Y'. Besides, the gap of the letterforms can be removed because the original gummies did not have gap. In addition, Mr. Vinod suggested me try to add on the texture of the gummies by using brush in illustrator.



When I know about the eight typographic system, I felt it is interesting and did not believe that there are a lot of systems that can be applied in a composition. After I learning it, I thought some of them are similar and it just contains slightly different between one another. Upon completing it, I feel satisfied on learning this knowledge in this task even the time given for it is limited.


I observed that it is not easy to be creative while fulfilled the rules of the system, because we not only have to focus on the overall beauty but also ensure that it is completed under the specified requirements. Hence, for typographic system, it can be done easily and correctly but maybe not creative enough. Apart from that, I noticed there are a lot of things in our life is very potential for us to explore in order to design something new and fun. Carefully discovering the small details of many different things may give us more inspiration.


For this task, I realized that even the typographic system have specific rules for us to follow but it still include many various ways and styles to express the system. Besides that, there are a lot of typefaces and fonts that we can explore and learn for. From there, we will know about the characteristics of the typefaces and how the way to design a good and work typefaces.

Further Reading

fig. 4.1.1 Typographic Systems book

Elam, K. (2007)
Typographic Systems. 
Princeton Architectural Press, New York

Systems and Examples

fig. 4.1.2 - 4.1.4 Systems and Examples

Above are the information that related to what I studied in task 1. After reading it, I have more understanding on the certain system as some of it looks similar.

Constraints and Options
Line Breaks - Lines may be broken at will to make multiple lines. 

fig. 4.2.1 -4.2.2 Line Breaks

Leading - Can be tight to overlapping or wide and airy.

fig. 4.2.3 -4.2.4 Leading

Word and Letter space - It may cause different textures. When word spacing increase, letter spacing also need to increase to avoid confusion.

fig. 4.2.5 Word and Letter space
