Design Research Methodology - Assignment 2: Research - Critical Review (Secondary research)

28.8.2023 - 14.10.2023 ( Week 1- Week 7)
Gam Jze Shin / 0353154
Design Research Methodology / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Assignment 2: Research - Critical Review (Secondary research)


1. Instructions
2. Assignment 2: Research - Critical Review (Secondary research)

3. Feedback



fig 1.1 Design Research Methodology MIB

Research - Critical Review (Secondary research)


fig 2.1  Critical Review


Week 1
Public Holiday

Week 2
General Feedback: Dr. Hayati suggested that we should carefully consider our choice of specialization. If we are not genuinely interested in it, it might end up being a waste of our time. Therefore, we can conduct some research to understand each specialization to better help us make an informed decision. She also provided us with ideas and steps on how to select a topic related to our specialization which is making observations in our life. The chosen topic will be used for next year's research, so careful consideration is necessary to ensure a good choice.

Week 3
General Feedback: Dr. Hayati recommended that each of us narrow down our focus to a specific topic rather than having a broad range of topics.
Specific feedback: Dr. Hayati suggested that I can delve into more details for my idea, expressing concern that my topic may not be easily researchable. Therefore, she suggested that I conduct more research on the topic. If there is a lack of information, I can consider revisiting the choice of topics since this research spans only 14 weeks, which is a relatively short duration.

Week 4
General Feedback: As non-Mass Communication students, our focus should be on topics that can benefit our future fields.
Specific feedback: Dr. Noorhayati advised me to focus on the topic which related to my specialization. She suggested to me that I can think about the relationship between Gestalt Principles and UIUX. She instructed me to research Gestalt Principles and provide a brief summary of what it is in order to provide me a clearer direction on my research topic.

Week 5
Public Holiday

Week 6
General Feedback: We need to incorporate appropriate citations into our problem statement.

Week 7
General Feedback: After viewing many student’s research proposals, Dr. Hayati advised us to provide page numbers.
Specific feedback: Dr. Hayati pointed out that my research objectives and research problems are too general, which aligns with her expectations based on my chosen topic. She advised me to find more articles and read them. This will provide me with a better understanding and generate more ideas to define specific research objectives and research problems.
